

Live from the General Assembly

Many of the EGU General Assembly higlights will be streamed live, so if you can’t make it to Vienna this year, you can still watch the Union Session on Curiosity’s first results (US1), the Great Debate on fracking, several medal lectures and all the press conferences at the 2013 General Assembly live on the conference website. To watch a session, simply click on the link that appears n ...[Read More]

EGU 2013 General Assembly: Venue location

The Austria Center Vienna (ACV), the Assembly venue, is not far from the city centre and can easily be reached from the airport and central train station. The ACV is located next to the Kaisermühlen/Vienna Int. Centre metro station (U1 line, direction Leopoldau from the city centre). Wiener Linien, Vienna’s public transport agency, provides a travel planner on their website, including inform ...[Read More]

Photo exhibit at EGU 2013: The Andean Geotrail

The enormous space and time scales that Geology covers makes teaching it a challenge, one best overcome by field experience, but it’s a rare thing for a school to be able to explore Geological wonders on the other side of the world. So what if someone brought it to you? Olivier Galland (who we had the chance to interview in December), together with Caroline Sassier, set up an educational project ( ...[Read More]

Looking for a job in the geosciences?

The General Assembly can be an excellent source of information for those of you looking for jobs or doctoral positions. Apart from the regularly updated online job postings, the Jobs & Education Market (Hall X, basement) provides a forum for young scientists to meet and chat with potential employers, and to get informed about available positions posted on the nearby notice boards. If you’ ...[Read More]