Want to communicate your research to a wider audience and try your hand at video production? Now’s your chance! Young scientists pre-registered for the EGU General Assembly are invited to take part in the EGU’s Communicate Your Science Video Competition! The aim is to produce a video up-to-three-minutes long to share your research with the general public. The winning entry will receive a free regi ...[Read More]
GeoTalk: Beate Humberset

In this edition of Geotalk, the regular feature were we highlight the work and achievements of early career researchers, we are talking to Beate Humberset, the winner of the Outstanding Student Poster (OSP) Award for the Solar- Terrestrial Sciences Division (ST) in 2013. In addition, Beate is the Young Scientist Representative for the ST Division so we will also touch upon her responsibilities in ...[Read More]
Announcing the winners of the EGU Photo Contest 2014!
The selection committee received over 200 photos for this year’s EGU Photo Contest, covering fields across the geosciences. Participants have been voting for their favourites throughout the week and there are three clear winners. Congratulations to Trent Marwick, Velio Coviello and John Clemens – 2014’s fantastic photographers! Imaggeo is the EGU’s open access geosciences image repository. Photos ...[Read More]
Looking for a job in the geosciences? Visit the General Assembly Job Spot!
The General Assembly can be an excellent source of information for those looking for jobs or doctoral positions. The Job Spot next to the EGU Booth (Hall X, Blue Level) has a searching station linked to the EGU jobs portal, so you can find the latest vacancies and who’s providing them. Check the session programme and see if they’re here too – what better place to meet them than at the biggest geos ...[Read More]