

Sustainable Development and the Great Debate

The Great Debate at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011 considered How will Europe face the raw materials crisis?, you can watch the debate online and the session details are here. Someone in the audience (around 70′) at the Great Debate questioned using the model of increasing consumption driving increasing metal use and advocated a sustainable development model. None of th ...[Read More]

Wednesday at EGU GA 2011

We hope you are having a good week at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011. Union wide events today include: 13:30–15:00 Union Masterclass: What are the unresolved questions and future perspectives for palaeoclimate research? An EGU Masterclass by André Berger and Wolfgang H. Berger, Room D [Webstream] Climate research has never received so much attention as during these days. Peop ...[Read More]

Mac Users and EGU GA 2011 programme USB stick

Some mac users have been experiencing problems with the USB stick that contains the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011 Programme. If you have been affected, please take the USB to the EGU Information Desk (Ground Floor, Yellow Level, to the left once you get in the main entrance) and the problem can be resolved in 5-10 seconds. All student assistants have been instructed on how to re ...[Read More]