
Photo Competition

Winners of the EGU GA 2011 Photo Competition

The photo competition at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011 had 275 entries, with 9 finalists. Participants at the General Assembly voted 1418 times and the top three images are below. All the finalist and entry images are on Imaggeo,which is the online open access geosciences image repository of the European Geosciences Union. Every geoscientist who is an amateur photographer (b ...[Read More]

Friday at EGU GA 2011

Welcome to the last day of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly in Vienna 2011. Some union wide events of note are below. The winner of the photography competition will be announced at 12:15 in the Crystal Lounge. Home will be shown in the GeoCinema from 17:30 (for 90 minutes) and we have a chocolate and sweets stall in the Exhibition Hall. 08:30–10:20 Union Symposium. The 11 March 2011 ...[Read More]

Photo Competition Announcement 12:15 on Friday

The winner of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011 photo competition will be announced at 12:15 on Friday 8th April in the Crystal Lounge, on the 1st floor (Green Level). The deadline for voting is 16:00 on Thursday, 7 April.

Thursday at EGU GA 2011

Below are Union wide events of potential interest. Please remember that the exhbition closes this evening, photo competition voting closes at 16:00 and to post your postcards in the box at EGU Information by 18:00. 08:30–10:15 Union Symposium. The 22 February 2011 Christchurch Earthquake in Room D. [Webstream] This late-breaking session will discuss several aspects of the 22 February 2011 Christch ...[Read More]