
General Assembly

Imaggeo On Monday: the EGU Photo Competition – 3 DAYS LEFT!

Patterns in the Void by Christian Klepp

We are so excited for your images to show us other ways of experiencing this wonderful planet and our place in the wider dance of our solar system, in the EGU24 Photo Competition just like one of our first ever winners, Christian Klepp did with this gorgeous image ‘Patterns in the Void’ in 2010. Remember your image can be of anything, even a gif or a video, and can have been captured a ...[Read More]

GeoTalk: Jane Roussak, EGU’s Events Manager, tells us how to get connected at EGU24!

GeoTalk: Jane Roussak, EGU’s Events Manager, tells us how to get connected at EGU24!

The EGU General Assembly 2024 (EGU24) will be held 14-19 April 2024, in Vienna, Austria and online. To learn more about discovering your research network at EGU24 and the inner workings of organising such an event, I sat down with Jane Roussak to ask her some questions. Hello Jane. Thank you for joining GeoTalk! Could you introduce yourself to our readers? Thank you for having me! I’m Jane Roussak ...[Read More]

Find your science: using your personal programme to schedule your EGU24

Find your science: using your personal programme to schedule your EGU24

The EGU24 Programme is online and hopefully by now you have found your abstract or session, so what do you do next?! This year’s scientific programme of the General Assemby includes Union-wide Sessions, such as the medal lectures, great debates, union symposia, short courses, education and outreach sessions, as well as townhall and splinter meetings, just to name a few. The Disciplinary Sessions a ...[Read More]

Run your own event at EGU24 with the pop-up networking scheduler!

Run your own event at EGU24 with the pop-up networking scheduler!

Pop-up networking returns for the #EGU24 General Assembly! Attendees can add their own events to the conference programme using the pop-up scheduling tool. Events can be virtual or in-person, and include a number of tagging options to communicate the event theme to other attendees. The pop-up networking scheduling tool is live right now! Anyone attending EGU24 can organise an event using the sched ...[Read More]