
General Assembly

Navigating your way around the General Assembly

Floorplans of the Austria Center Vienna are included in the information & schedules book that you receive during on-site registration. If you want to acquaint yourself with the layout of rooms and exhibits at EGU 2010 in advance, the Floor Plans are available online. On this page you can also find detailed plans, including numerical locations for Poster Areas Hall X, Hall XL, Hall Y, Hall Z, A ...[Read More]

Creating your Personal Meeting Programme

Looking forward to the General Assembly starting on 2 May in Vienna, you can create a personal meeting programme at the EGU 2010 website. You need your Copernicus ID to login (its a numerical user name), then you can print, store to later modify or email yourself sessions and presentations of particular interest to you. The search facility will bring up your search term in session titles, abstract ...[Read More]

Links related to the Eyjafjallajökull Eruption

Details related to the Union Special Session at the EGU General Assembly can be found on the General Assembly website: US7 Eyjafjallajökull – eruption, plume, and consequences. The NASA Earth Observatory Images related to the eruption can be found here. Amongst the various ‘In Pictures’ related to Eyjafjallajökull, the BBC has Satellite views of the volcano. Links related to moni ...[Read More]