
General Assembly

EGU General Assembly 2010 Opening Reception

The opening reception was held on Sunday, 2nd May 2010 from 18:00 to 21:00 in the General Assembly Venue. Before and during photos are below. This year there will be a EGU Keynote Closing Lecture on Friday 7th May by Jan Smit on The 30th anniversary of the discovery of the iridium anomaly at the Cretaceous Paleogene boundary: The state of the Chicxulub impact-extinction theory from 17:30 to 18:30 ...[Read More]

The EGU GA 2010 Venue

In this post are some pictures taken at the Austria Center Vienna of key places for the EGU GA 2010. This may be the last time this week they are this quiet! This is the European Geosciences Union booth on the Yellow Level (Ground Floor) Outside each room is a timetable for the day and information. This is outside a room on the Basement level, near poster halls XY and XL. Poster hall XY is shown b ...[Read More]

The EGU GA 2010 Blog

In the ‘about’ page of this blog (in the bar underneath the banner) there is a section outlining the authors of this blog. Blog posts now have authors on them (if its not already identified). If you spot me (Jennifer) at EGU GA 2010, please come up to me and say hello, it would be nice to meet some of the people who have been reading the blog. If you would like to do a guest post or ha ...[Read More]

First day of EGU GA 2010

Sunday 2nd May is the first day of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010. On-site registration is available in Hall Z of the Austria Center Vienna from 12:00 to 20:00. This means you can pick up your name badge, programme USB stick and free transport pass (Monday to Friday) in advance of the start of Monday’s sessions. You need your name badge to get into the General Assembly ...[Read More]