
General Assembly


Walking around the Poster Halls at the EGU General Assembly 2010, you may have noticed the YSOPP participant label (below) next to some posters. At the division business meetings the YSOPP awardees from the 2009 General Assembly are being presented with their certificates. Posters displaying the label are entered into the Young Scientist Outstanding Poster Paper Competition. The general aim of the ...[Read More]

The Role of Science in Climate Policy making

If you missed the Great Debate on Tuesday lunchtime you can watch the webstream. What do you think should be the role of science in climate policy making? The next Great Debate is on Thursday 6th May, in Room D, 15:30-17:15 on Getting real about energy.

Written Feedback on the EGU GA 2010

In addition to the usual summing up and evaluation meetings for the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010, this year there is the possibility of submitting feedback online. If you have questions, suggestions please visit the form and fill it in. This is a ‘quick’ mechanism for giving feedback that will go directly to the EGU GA 2010 programme chair, and will be collated and ...[Read More]