
General Assembly

This year’s blog

This year’s blog will have more posts and, starting from next week, a generally regular pattern (which will be augmented). We will have Imaggeo Mondays, with a featured image from the EGU’s online open access geosciences image repository. Wednesday’s posts will be specific to the EGU General Assembly 2011 for example accommodation, travel, highlighting special sessions. Friday ...[Read More]

Hints and Tips for EGU GA 2011?

The first time I visited the EGU General Assembly I would have been lost without hints and tips from colleagues who had been to previous General Assemblies. We’re looking to put together some tips/hints/advice for participants at the EGU General Assembly in 2011, particularly for first time participants. What tips and hints do you have that would be useful for fellow participants at EGU in V ...[Read More]