
General Assembly

EGU GA 2011 Union Award Ceremony

New at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011 is an official Awards Ceremony where all the medal and award winners across the Union are honoured (session details). It will also be Webstreamed. Please come join us at the EGU 2011 Award Ceremony which will take place on Wednesday 6 April, 17:30-20:00, Room D (Blue Level, basement). We will first recognize on stage all Division Outstand ...[Read More]

Exhibition at the EGU GA 2011

Have you visited the Exhibition at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011? The exhibition is on the Ground (Yellow level) and the Gallery (First floor, green). Several of the exhibitors have presentations and events, see the Programme Book for more details. One examples of a session from an exhibitor is Nature Publishing Group’s How to get published information session on Wedne ...[Read More]

EGU Today Online

The newsletter of the EGU General Assembly: EGUToday is available online and is updated throughout the day. Paper copies are also available within the Austria Center Vienna.