
General Assembly

Imaggeo on Mondays: Water Angel

A “water angel” seems to appear in the upper part of the Trift Glacier Lake in the Swiss Alps. This image was a finalist in the EGU GA 2011 Photo Competition. Image by Romain Schläppy, distributed by EGU under a Creative Commons licence. Imaggeo is the online open access geosciences image repository of the European Geosciences Union. Every geoscientist who is an amateur photographer (b ...[Read More]

EGU GA 2011 Feedback Survey: please complete

The EGU General Assembly 2011 was again a great success with 4,333 oral and 8,439 poster presentations in a dozen union wide and 520 disciplinary sessions, along with townhall meetings, short courses, splinter meetings, etc. At the conference 10,725 scientists from 96 countries participated, of which 28% were students, 15,000 copies of EGU Today distributed, keen media presence and reporting, and ...[Read More]

Meet the EGU at EAGE in Vienna

Are you going to European Assoication of Geoscientists and Engineers 73rd Conference23-26th May 2011? If so please visit the EGU at Booth 2450 in Hall B, Reed Messe Wien and meet the executive secretary, Philippe Courtial.

Imaggeo on Mondays: Carboniferous arachnid

A 3D reconstruction of the 312 million year old arachnid Eophrynus prestvicii, from a CT scan of the fossil. Arachnids such as this – members of the Trigonotarbida – were amongst the first terrestrial predators. This image was one of the finalists in the EGU GA 2011 Photo Competition. To find out more about this image, see Friday’s post: 3D reconstructions of ancient arachnids. I ...[Read More]