
General Assembly

Looking for a job in the geosciences?

The General Assembly can be an excellent source of information for those of you looking for jobs or doctoral positions. Apart from the regularly updated online job postings, the Jobs & Education Market (Hall X, basement) provides a forum for young scientists to meet and chat with potential employers, and to get informed about available positions posted on the nearby notice boards. The Jobs &am ...[Read More]

A first-timers guide to the 2012 General Assembly

Will this be your first time at an EGU General Assembly? With over 10,000 participants in a massive venue, the GA can be a confusing and, at times, overwhelming place.  To help you find your way, Jennifer Holden, former EGU Science Communications Fellow and a regular attendee of the meeting, prepared an introductory handbook filled with history, useful presentation pointers, and tips about Vienna ...[Read More]

Presenting at the 2012 General Assembly

Oral Presentations The guidelines for oral presentations are online. The link also specifies the equipment available in each room (laptop, beamer, microphone, laser pointer, ability to hook up your own laptop, etc.). Oral presentations this year are in four 90-minute time blocks, with each talk being about 12 minutes long with 3 minutes for questions. Please be in the presentation room approximate ...[Read More]

EGU 2012 General Assembly: Vienna

How to get to Vienna and things to do when you’re there. Travel Vienna’s International Airport is served by many of the major European airlines. If you are considering overland transport, see the bottom of the Transportation page on the EGU General Assembly 2012 website. Accommodation The best place to start looking for accommodation in Vienna is the Accommodation page of the EGU GA 2012 website. ...[Read More]