
Early Career Scientists

What’s on for Early Career Scientists at EGU24

What’s on for Early Career Scientists at EGU24

Early Career Scientists (ECS) – defined as a student, a PhD candidate, or a practising scientist who received their highest certificate (e.g. BSc, MSc or PhD) within the past seven years – compose about half of EGU’s members. Many of the sessions and events throughout the Assembly are built with our ECS attendees in mind, from introducing you to the Assembly and the Union as a whole or the numerou ...[Read More]

GeoPolicy: Dive into science for policy at EGU24

GeoPolicy: Dive into science for policy at EGU24

Each year, the EGU General Assembly hosts a wide range of scientific and skills-based sessions as that you can participate in to learn about new research, expand your network, diversify your expertise, and develop new skills! This includes an array of sessions that focus on science for policy, outlining how researchers can start engaging in policymaking processes, connect with decision makers, and ...[Read More]

Find your scientists: how to network at EGU24

Find your scientists: how to network at EGU24

The General Assembly is the nucleus around which EGU’s community gathers and connects, providing a week of opportunity to meet new people and reaffirm old bonds. Progress within science and its impact on society rises from the confluence of ideas and a diversity of voices; to facilitate meeting and discussion at the Assembly, #EGU24 offers a number of paths for building your network. Network ...[Read More]