
Early Career Scientists

GeoPolicy: 10 things that you can do to start engaging with policymaking today

GeoPolicy: 10 things that you can do to start engaging with policymaking today

This months GeoPolicy blog post outlines 10 things that you can do to start engaging with policy today! This list was originally created with the help of the EGU’s Science for Policy Working Group and other Science-Policy experts who attending EGU24. While the below list isn’t extensive, it does provide a good overview of the range of possibilities that are at your fingertips to build ...[Read More]

Turning adversity into opportunity: mapping plastic pollution in rivers

Turning adversity into opportunity: mapping plastic pollution in rivers

In July 2021, the Benelux area, Germany, and France experienced heavy rainfall followed by mass flooding, causing widespread damage. Along the vast quantities of plastic swept along the riverbanks, Rahel Hauk, a researcher from Wageningen University, conducted fieldwork to assess the impact of the flood event on plastic deposition. Amidst the debris, Hauk and her colleagues noticed a large volume ...[Read More]

Beyond the output

Beyond the output

The EGU General Assembly provides ground for formal presentations and sessions conveying a body of knowledge. However, science is so much more. It is a social process driven by shared values, such as openness and integrity, and established customs, like peer review. As such, working in science is inherently a collaborative effort, and the EGU supports that by giving participants plenty of opportun ...[Read More]

Outstanding Student and PhD-candidate Presentation (OSPP) top tips from previous winners and judges!

Outstanding Student and PhD-candidate Presentation (OSPP) top tips from previous winners and judges!

Every year at the General Assembly hundreds of students present their research with a lot of time and effort going into preparing these presentations. With the aim to further improve the overall quality of poster presentations and more importantly, to encourage Early Career Scientists to present their work in the form of a poster, the OSP Awards (as they were formerly known), were born. Since the ...[Read More]