

EGU GA 2010 Around the Blogosphere

Here’s a quick round-up of coverage of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010 from around the blogosphere (the usual disclaimer that these are not views of the EGU, more letting people know what’s out there). From the EGU GA 2010 Blog Roll, Dave Pettley blogged about several landslide related sessions, including the Sergei Soloviev Medal lecture by Dave Keefer. MusingR ...[Read More]

The EGU GA 2010 Blog

In the ‘about’ page of this blog (in the bar underneath the banner) there is a section outlining the authors of this blog. Blog posts now have authors on them (if its not already identified). If you spot me (Jennifer) at EGU GA 2010, please come up to me and say hello, it would be nice to meet some of the people who have been reading the blog. If you would like to do a guest post or ha ...[Read More]

Columns in EGU Today

From Dick van der Wateren and the editors of EGU Today We have recently seen the worst attack on science in ages. The hacking incident at the University of East Anglia set off a worldwide scandal, with climate scientists being accused of fraud and sceptics having a field day. Despite the complete and explicit rehabilitation of Phil Jones et al., the impression remains that scientists are dilly-dal ...[Read More]