

Imaggeo on Mondays: Travertine takeover

This week’s Imaggeo on Mondays is brought to you by Olivier Galland, who took this photo during an incredible outreach adventure in the Andes…  The image displays the spectacular Puente del Inca (The Inca Bridge) hot springs, in the Argentinian Andes of the Mendoza province, along the Vacas River, close to the foot of Cerro Aconcagua. When the mineral-rich, sulphurous waters reach the surface, the ...[Read More]

Imaggeo on Mondays: Eddy covariance

This week’s Imaggeo on Mondays is brought to you by Jean-Daniel Paris, a meteorologist from the Climate and Environmental Sciences Laboratory (LSCE), France. He describes how new techniques like eddy covariance tell us about the flux of greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere…  This picture was taken during a visit to the Hyytiälä research station in Finland in June 2010. This station runs flux ...[Read More]

Letting the methane genie out of the bottle

Greenhouse gas levels and globally averaged surface temperatures are both on the rise. Whilst slow increases in temperatures are not easily perceived as threatening, and might even be welcomed by some, climate change can also include fast and sudden changes. These sudden changes could have disastrous effect on not only us humans, but also life on this planet more generally. When it comes to places ...[Read More]

Imaggeo on Mondays: The perfect partnership

Pogonophores are deep sea worms that thrive in dark, deep sea conditions thanks to the presence of symbiotic bacteria. The bacteria are chemoautotrophic, that is, they fix carbon through oxidation processes, rather than using light to fix it, as is the case for photosynthesis. By utilising oxygen in the water, the bacteria can oxidise compounds such as hydrogen sulphide in order to fix carbon. The ...[Read More]