Hello David. Thank you for agreeing to this interview! To break ground, could you tell our readers about yourself and your career background? Hi Simon. It’s my pleasure, thank you for inviting me. Well, I’m a Spanish “tectonicist” and I’ve been lucky to work in great institutions all over Europe; Amsterdam, Paris, Zürich, London, and Barcelona, where I live now… ...[Read More]
ECS at EGU23: networking events and more!
The EGU23 General Assembly have a plethora of events built for – and by – Early Career Scientists (ECS), from how to navigate Europe’s largest geoscience conference to developing your network and exploring your career choices. Below are some of the big things to look out for: First-time attendee Networking (on-site only) Tue, 25 Apr, 12:45–13:45 (CET) Room 3.29/30 If this is your fir ...[Read More]
How to run your own event with our pop-up networking scheduler at EGU23
Attendees at the EGU23 General Assembly can organise their own events using the the Pop-up Networking Scheduler! Registered participants can use the online tool to organise networking events both inside, outside, and beyond the conference centre – including virtually. All events organised using the Pop-up Networking Scheduler will appear on the conference programme. The scheduler is designed for a ...[Read More]
GeoTalk: meet General Assembly decision makers, Maria-Helena Ramos and Athanasios Nenes
Hello! Thank you for joining this special edition of GeoTalk. Before we dig deeper, could you both introduce yourselves? Hello! I am Helena, a research scientist in hydrology at INRAE, a national research institute in France. I have been involved with EGU for several years now, first as presenter (my first participation to an EGU General Assembly was in 2001 in Nice!), then as convener, sub-progra ...[Read More]