
Robyn Pickering and Rivoningo Khosa

Robyn Pickering is an isotope geochemist whose research seeks to understand where and when our early human ancestors evolved and what the environment they lived in was like. Rivoningo Khosa's research focuses on exploring and understanding the evolution of the Southern African landscape over time, with a particular focus on bedrock fluvial channels.

The geological period that no one talks about: menstruation in the field

The geological period that no one talks about: menstruation in the field

Try typing the phrase ‘period in geosciences’ into Google. You’ll get something like ‘divisions of geological time’, and how we divide ancient earth time into eras, periods and epochs. We learn about this in the first year and again in every subsequent year of geological training. We are both geochronologists, so this is a topic we are deeply familiar with. But we are also both women. To us, and e ...[Read More]