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Sara Mynott

Imaggeo on Mondays: Rockscape

A geologist out in the field is often the one doing the mapping, but sometimes you might just find a map while you’re out there. Martin Reiser shares how he stumbled one such stunning feature… The picture shows colourful marly layers in a Triassic limestone of northwest Albania (Lezhe region). The marly layers have developed intense reddish and greenish colours due to exposure to reduction and oxi ...[Read More]

A first-timer’s guide to the 2014 General Assembly

Will this be your first time at an EGU General Assembly? With over 11,000 participants in a massive venue, the conference can be a confusing and, at times, overwhelming place. To help you find your way, we have compiled an introductory handbook filled with history, presentation pointers, travel tips and a few facts about Vienna and its surroundings. Download your copy of the EGU General Assembly g ...[Read More]

EGU 2014 Communicate Your Science Video Competition

Earlier this year we launched the Communicate Your Science Video Competition, a great opportunity to share research in the Earth, planetary and space sciences with the general public. What’s more, there’s a free registration to the 2015 General Assembly up for grabs and we’ve just extended the deadline to give you more time to get filming! What’s it about? Young scientists ...[Read More]

Job opportunity at the EGU Executive Office: Communications Officer

The EGU is seeking to appoint a Communications Officer to work with the EGU Media and Communications Manager in maintaining and further developing media- and science-related communications between the EGU and its membership, the working media, and the public at large. The Communications Officer will also work under the direction of the EGU Executive Secretary on activities related to the promotion ...[Read More]