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Sara Mynott

EGU 2014: Get the Assembly mobile app!

The EGU 2014 mobile app is now available for iPhones and Android smartphones. To download it, you can scan the QR code available at the General Assembly website or go directly to on your mobile device. You will be directed to the version of the EGU 2014 app for your particular smartphone, which you can download for free. Once you open the app, the dashboard will show you four ...[Read More]

Video Competition finalists – time to get voting!

This year we’re running the first ever EGU Communicate Your Science Video Competition – the aim being for young scientists to communicate their research in a short, sweet and public-friendly video. Our judges have now selected 4 fantastic finalists from the excellent entries we received this year and it’s time to find the best geoscience communication clip! The shortlisted videos will be open to a ...[Read More]

Imaggeo on Mondays: Villarrica Volcano

This week’s Imaggeo on Mondays highlights the vulnerability of Villarrica’s slopes and zooms in on the volcano’s spectacular crater… Villarrica, one of the largest stratovolcanoes in Chile, is also one of the country’s most active. The volcano is iced by glaciers that make the mountain a stunning scene, but also a dangerous one. The glaciers cover some 30 square-kilometres of the volcano and, duri ...[Read More]

Exhibits at EGU 2014 – The Face of the Earth

This year, the conference will have a theme: The Face of the Earth. Much like a human face, our planet exhibits a huge diversity of shapes and forms, and the 2014 theme celebrates this diversity in geoscience processes – from the Earth’s core to interplanetary space. In line with this year’s theme, you’ll find exhibits on each of the Earth’s faces – Rocks of the Earth, Waters of the Earth, Life of ...[Read More]