
Archives / 2014 / August

EGU has a new Science Communication Officer!

Meet the newest member of EGU’s communications team, Laura Roberts Artal! Laura will manage GeoLog and the EGU blog network, run our social media channels, and continue developing EGU’s networking activities for young scientists. It is a warm and relatively sunny day in Munich and I’ve just started as the new Communications Officer at the EGU! Some of you may recognise me, as I’ve been blogging as ...[Read More]

Imaggeo on Mondays: Beneath a star-studded sky

Marco Matteucci captured this image of the night sky on the slopes of Mount Rosa, the second tallest peak in Alps. Mount Rosa straddles the border between southern Switzerland and Italy the pink mountain’s name comes from the Franco-Provençal word rouése, meaning glacier. Much off the Swiss side of the mountain is enveloped in the ice of Gorner Glacier, the second largest glacier in the Alps. On t ...[Read More]

GeoEd: Working together

When a geoscientist steps into a classroom, set to share their wonders of the Earth with a host of eager young minds, they are heading straight into unknown waters. Which students will rock the boat? What works well for this class and what should you steer well clear of? Not knowing the answers can turn a terrific outreach activity into a sinking ship. Fortunately, there’s a navigator on board. Sa ...[Read More]