On this page, we regularly update open positions in Seismology for early career scientists. Do you have a job on offer? Contact us at ecs-sm@egu.eu
Please, note that other available research positions are displayed on the EGU Jobs Portal.
Latest open positions:
Assistant Professor at University of California, Berkeley, US: Berkeley invites applications for an Assistant Professor faculty position with an expected start date of July 1, 2021. We seek outstanding candidates from any area of Earth and planetary science. Candidates whose research falls into this broad range of disciplines are invited to apply.
PhD positions at Bedretto Lab, ETH Zurich, Switzerland: In the framework of the projects "The Bedretto Reservoir Project" and FEAR, we have currently several openings for PhD positions.
Research Fellow in Passive Source Seismology at University of Southampto, UK: The successful candidate will play a vital role in a large international project to image and understand the lithosphere – asthenosphere system, mantle dynamics, the mantle transition zone, seismicity, and/or tectonics either globally or at an oceanic, large igneous province, and/or subduction zone setting.
Engineering Technician at The Ocean Bottom Seismometer Instrument Center (OBSIC) at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), US: The successful candidate will apply electronic/electrical aptitude and acquired knowledge of established procedures to the maintenance, repair, and operation of a fleet of more than 100 OBS of varying complexity and capability.
Operational Seismologist (Geophysicist) at USGS Volcano Science Center, US: The incumbent will be responsible for monitoring data quality, managing station calibration information, and curating the earthquake catalog for AVO’s monitoring network, which includes over 225 individual stations mainly in the vicinity of volcanoes along the Aleutian-Alaska subduction zone (http://www.fdsn.org/networks/detail/AV/). Please note that applicants must be U.S. citizens. Feel free to contact Matt Haney (mhaney@usgs.gov) or John Power (jpower@usgs.gov) for more information about the position.
Executive Director (ED) at European Plate Observing System European Research Infrastructure, Rome, Italy: The EPOS ERIC Executive Director is sought as an outstanding scientist with proven managerial experience who will act as the legal representative of EPOS ERIC. The mission of the Executive Director is to move EPOS from pre-operations to fully mature and operational services across the EPOS Delivery Framework.