EGU Blogs


Climate: Past, Present & Future

Presenting the EGU Climate Division Team 2021

Presenting the EGU Climate Division Team 2021

Every year at the General Assembly all EGU members have a chance to vote for their representatives during the different division meetings. In the Climate Division, we have a team of President and Deputy President, a Programme Group Chair, Science Officers, as well as Representatives for the Early Career Scientists and an Outreach Team. There is further the OSPP Coordinator and the chairs for the H ...[Read More]


Earthquakes within the plates

Earthquakes within the plates

As fascinating as the plate tectonics and its accompanying dynamics are, continental interiors are no quiescent zones. The tectonics within these interiors are apparent in the occurrence of numerous intraplate earthquakes, and this week, EGU blog editor Arushi Saxena briefly discusses them and their mechanisms. Earthquakes are a fairly common occurrence here on Earth’s crust. Although most are ess ...[Read More]

Tectonics and Structural Geology

Features from the Field: Stretching Lineations

Features from the Field: Stretching Lineations

Deep beneath our feet, deformation of rocks at high temperature produces impressive structures such as shear zones, that localize the movement of two volumes of rock with respect to one another. Shear zones are strongly deformed bands with strongly foliated structures (i.e., with rocks that look like a pile of leaves) and kinematic indicators, such as S-C fabrics, that tell us geologists which way ...[Read More]


The Sassy Scientist – The Secret Art Of Keeping Up-To-Date

The Sassy Scientist – The Secret Art Of Keeping Up-To-Date

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the impressive speed at which new science is published. How to keep up with all this is an art that few have mastered. Rami is looking for some pointers: Which are the must-follow journals to keep up to date with new geodynamic research? Dear Rami, Carefully checking the table of contents of freshly printed issues of your favourite journals is obviously the most mo ...[Read More]

Cryospheric Sciences

The Norwegian Polar Institute

The Norwegian Polar Institute

It is a pleasure for the EGU Cryoblog team to present a new post category: Cryo-institutes around the world! There are many institutes working on cryosphere-related research spread around the world. The aim of this new category is to highlight the cool research that is carried out at these institutes, showing off our multi-faceted cryo-related science. In this opening post, Ashley Morris will pres ...[Read More]

Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology

Rare Earth Elements… olivine?

Rare Earth Elements… olivine?

The Rare Earth Elements, or REEs, are really important. This is a group of elements including neodymium (used to create strong magnets), cerium (used in catalytic converters), lanthanum (used in electric car batteries), lutetium (used in oil refinery), with the uses of REEs increasing continuously. At the moment, the majority of the world’s supply of REEs comes from a single deposit in Inner ...[Read More]

Hydrological Sciences

The Lutz Creek watershed of Barro Colorado Island, Panama

The Lutz Creek watershed of Barro Colorado Island, Panama

The Lutz Creek watershed, administered by the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) on Barro Colorado Island (BCI), is one of the longest continually monitored, micro-catchments in the neotropics. This catchment is central to the long-term climate and hydrological monitoring program that STRI has operated on BCI since 1972. The information derived from this program plays an essential role ...[Read More]


Conferencing during a pandemic: lessons learned

Conferencing during a pandemic: lessons learned

Conferences are a vital part of academic life but with many conferences moving online due to the pandemic, the virtual conference hall can be a minefield! After a year of conferencing from afar, Kiran Chotalia shares the tips and tricks to make the conference experience live from your living room a breeze! It would be an understatement to say it has been quite the year. Travel restrictions put a f ...[Read More]


Meet the new Geodesy Science Officer – Part 1

Meet the new Geodesy Science Officer – Part 1

  We hope that you have enjoyed reading about the new division president and division deputy president. But there are even more people behind the scenes that contribute to the development of the Geodesy division. Today we are going to introduce you to one of the new science officers: Anna Kłos. We asked her also a few questions and despite of being on maternity leave she was able to answer th ...[Read More]

Natural Hazards

Lessons learnt, and to be learnt from the Uttarakhand, Himalaya 2021 catastrophic event.

Lessons learnt, and to be learnt from the Uttarakhand, Himalaya 2021 catastrophic event.

Rising global temperature and melting of glaciers in the Himalaya are changing the Himalayan cryospheric dynamics and causing a dramatic increase in the frequency and magnitude of the natural and anthropogenic hazards. One such example was the 7th February 2021 Uttarakhand landslide-induced floods, which killed almost 200 people and washed away two hydropower dams, amidst when India was dealing wi ...[Read More]