In the GMPV blog team we are a group of early career researchers (ECRs*) in their PhD or early postdoc stages. As ECRs we know that permanent positions in Academia are scarce and that we may face long postdoc careers, potentially entailing a rootless life for several years to come. In this blog, we highlight the other side of the ECR lives that fewer people know about, and that occasionally leads ...[Read More]
What is the Imposter Phenomenon and what can we do about it?

Picture taken from Pexels -
“What am I doing here?”, “Am I really good enough for this job?”, or “I was lucky this time” are thoughts that have probably crossed the minds of most of the readers here at least at some point in their careers. Even though a healthy level of self-doubt is normal for everyone, these thoughts and especially the feeling of being a fraud, can be signs of the so called imposter “syndrome”. It is estim ...[Read More]