Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology


GMPV ECS Campfires – Meet the GMPV GA24 awardees! September 12th @11 am CET

GMPV ECS Campfires – Meet the GMPV GA24 awardees! September 12th @11 am CET

The first edition of the Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology and Volcanology Campfires of the 2024/2025 season is right at the door and will take place on Thursday September 12th at 11 am CET on Zoom. This edition will be a special Scientific Campfire, during which the three GMPV ECS awardees of the 2024 General Assembly will present their latest work to the community.  Our speakers for this editi ...[Read More]

The spinning life of early-career researchers – twirling until out of sync?

The spinning life of early-career researchers – twirling until out of sync?

In the GMPV blog team we are a group of early career researchers (ECRs*) in their PhD or early postdoc stages. As ECRs we know that permanent positions in Academia are scarce and that we may face long postdoc careers, potentially entailing a rootless life for several years to come. In this blog, we highlight the other side of the ECR lives that fewer people know about, and that occasionally leads ...[Read More]