When international scientists from countries with a very low gross domestic product (GDP) get together at the proverbial water-cooler, we don’t talk about the weather, we talk about immigration. The conversation topics can vary between navigating a new immigration system due to an upcoming move, issues with our institution’s international office or wondering whether we will be able to secure a tra ...[Read More]
What is the Imposter Phenomenon and what can we do about it?

“What am I doing here?”, “Am I really good enough for this job?”, or “I was lucky this time” are thoughts that have probably crossed the minds of most of the readers here at least at some point in their careers. Even though a healthy level of self-doubt is normal for everyone, these thoughts and especially the feeling of being a fraud, can be signs of the so called imposter “syndrome”. It is estim ...[Read More]
A Community of Support and Change: The Earth Science Women’s Network (ESWN)
The Earth Sciences are one of the least diverse disciplines in sciences all around the world (Marín-Spiotta et al., 2020). Often this causes discrimination and bias and might even reach up to bullying and sexual harassment at the workplace (Cantor et al., 2019; Marín-Spiotta et al., 2020). This leads to an underrepresentation of Black and African American, Hispanic, Latinex, and Asian graduate stu ...[Read More]
The Challenges of Being LGBTQIA+ in Earth Sciences
Did you know that political leaders in some European countries declare LGBTQIA+ as a totalitarian “ideology” that is “worse than communism” or compare gay adoption to pedophilia? This may sound unimaginable these days but those are statements that were proclaimed just recently, within the past years! The ILGA Europe publishes a review of the human rights situation of LGBTQIA+ people in Europe each ...[Read More]