For anyone tuning in from Australia, happy Saturday! How have you found the conference? Did it work? Was it a disaster? Is physical presence more important than saving on CO2? Did you manage to do any networking? Were you as engaged as you would normally be? Let us know in the comments, be brutally honest if you like. Covid has forced this weird conference on us, but maybe this is the way of the f ...[Read More]
EGU daily digest: Thursday!
It’s Thursday, hopefully your typing fingers and wifi connections are still holding up! Take a little time off and explore Vienna, I recommend visiting the cathedral here… The conference continues, here are some little highlights for your Thursday: The most important thing is the GMPV division meeting at 12:45. Lunch will be served* (*as long as you serve yourself lunch). Get an update ...[Read More]
EGU daily digest: It’s Wednesday!
Yesterday was cinco de mayo, today is…the 6th of May. It’s hump day, and what better way to get over the mid-week blues than these unmissable morsels of science. Today’s highlights: Do you want to see how far automated mineralogy of thin sections has come? The latest advances from Rich Taylor from Zeiss suggest we can now do the whole thing with just an SEM. Check it out HERE. Do ...[Read More]
Tuesday EGU GMPV daily digest
Good morning, it’s tuesday, and I hope you have all enjoyed the delicios gelato that Vienna has to offer (i.e. whatever you can find in your freezer). Here is some not-to-be-missed science to fill your day… When volcanoes are covered by glaciers, does this prevent forecasting, or help it? Michael Martin says the latter, check it out HERE☃️🔥 How much sulphur? This much sulphur! We have ...[Read More]