Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology

Camilla Imarisio

Save the dates! GMPV talks for January, February and March 2021

Save the dates! GMPV talks for January, February and March 2021

Please join us for GMPV ECS talks in early 2021! You can register in advance for the talks at the links below. In 2021, we’ll be running some special editions of the GMPV ECS online talks, where we focus on specific sub-disciplines of GMPV. Wednesday January 20th 11:00 CET – Volcanology special edition – speakers tbc. REGISTER HERE. Wednesday February 17th 16:00 CET – speakers tbc. REGISTER HERE. ...[Read More]

GMPV for Sustainable Development – Mineral Resources and Sustainable Mining

GMPV for Sustainable Development – Mineral Resources and Sustainable Mining

GMPV and The Sustainable Development Goals In 2015 all United Nations Member States adopted a set of Global Goals, as a universal call to protect our planet, end poverty and ensure that all people can enjoy peace and prosperity. These are called the Sustainable Development Goals – 17 integrated goals aimed at addressing the challenges our society is currently facing considering social, economic, a ...[Read More]

#vEGU21 Session in the Spotlight: Island arc volcanism along the Africa-Eurasia plate boundary

#vEGU21 Session in the Spotlight: Island arc volcanism along the Africa-Eurasia plate boundary

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! ☃ Which only means that the EGU abstract submission deadline is fast approaching. With 6 weeks left to go, have you decided which session to submit your abstract to? Today we put a spotlight on session NH2.1 (Co-organized by GM9/GMPV11). Are you passionate about reconstructing volcanic histories?✅ Does your research focus on processes at Island Ar ...[Read More]