EGU23 is finally starting! Hopefully many of you were able to join the icebreaker events yesterday evening and have a smooth start into the conference today! So why not kick the day off by listening to the Xin Zhong’sECS awards lecture on his outstanding work on grain-scale stress variation in metamorphic rock?
Alternatively, next to many more exciting scientific sessions (e.g. a session on volcanic plumes, or the origin and evolution of deep-seated mantle melts) you could also join the panel discussion “Careers inside and outside of academia” to get some interesting insights into potential career paths after a PhD.
The late morning also offers a variety of great interdisciplinary sessions spanning the whole range from advances in environmental geochemical monitoring to the dynamics of the asthenosphere and deep mantle and hazardous volcanic gas emissions. But maybe if you feel like a little bit of drama Christopher Brough and co-workers might have something for you in their presentation “The Donegal mica scandal, the tip of an iceberg?” in session GMPV4.1.
After this rather busy Monday morning, you will hopefully have some time to recharge your batteries. One option to clear your head from all the science you just listened to would be to join our lunch co-organized with many other divisions! Meeting point is 12:30 pm right at the entrance of the ACV (bring your own food, drinks and colleagues).
After a fun and social lunch break, it’s time to come back to an afternoon full of interesting GMPV sessions. If you are interested in geochemical monitoring of volcanic systems, session GMPV9.3 might be a go to for you. Otherwise, if you want to continue learning about modelling of environmental systems, session GI6.1 might be the one. There is a plethora of other sessions, that include fascinating topics such as metamorphism, Cratons or Neo-Colonialism in geosciences that will keep you entertained during the whole afternoon. If poster sessions, PICO presentations or standard oral talks, there will be something for everyone!
Now it’s time to enjoy the evening with old and new friends and get ready for the. Rest of an awesome week ahead of you!