Are you ready for another exciting EGU General Assembly? This is that special time of the year, when you are finalising your talks, printing your posters, and selecting the talks/sessions to make your personal programme during next week’s GA. Exciting days! The GMPV blog team will be here, on your side, drawing your attention to sessions and talks that we think may appeal to your GMPV hearts!
If you haven’t yet, you can check the sessions in the GMPV programme group here. Sessions cover a wide range of topics of interest to our group.
We’ll be posting daily about the sessions/talks that we think are cool, and that you shouldn’t miss, but also highlights about the ECS talks. Keep an eye out for our daily posts.
Before the GA kick-starts, we would like to draw your attention to the special Medal and Award’s event and to our GMPV Medal and Award talks.
In 2023, the EGU selected 47 recipients of our prestigious Union Medals and Awards, Division Medals, and Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Awards. Usually, these individuals are honoured for their important contributions to the Earth, planetary and space sciences.
The winners of this year’s Medals and Awards are also being celebrated at the GA, on Wednesday 26 April, 2023. If you would like to give your support to these awardees, make your away to Room E1 on Wednesday 26 between 17:30–19:30 (CEST).
Amongst the recipients, the GMPV Division has awarded a Medal and an Award:
This year, the Robert Wilhelm Bunsen Medal was awarded to Susan L. S. Stipp. This Medal is awarded in recognition of her fundamental research and unique applications of nano-geochemistry and mineralogy.
Susan will be giving the Medal talk on Thursday 27 at 19h00 in Room D2. The title of Medal talk is Mineral-fluid reactivity: The action is at the interface. Check the abstract here.
The GMPV has selected Xin Zhong to the Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award. This Award recognises his outstanding research in the field of elastic thermobarometry, resulting in many novel applications including the characterization of frictional melts formed during faulting, metamorphism in the deep crust, and the timing of kimberlite ascent.
Xin Zhong will be giving the Award talk on Monday 24 at 08h30 in Room D2. The title of the Award talk is: The generation, dissipation and geological implication of grain-scale stress variation in metamorphic rock. Check the abstract here.
The GMPV Division meeting will be convened by Marian Holness and Holly Stein on Thursday 27, between 12:45 and 13:45 in Room D1.
Enjoy the EGU-GA 2023! To those attending in person in Vienna or from your remote locations, have a great time. Don’t forget that times are all CEST and be sure to add these talks to your conference schedule!