The deadline for the abstract submission in #EGU 23 is knocking at the door (last date- 10th January, 2023).
Still, Confused to choose the session most appropriate to your work??
Well, we are here to help you.
Scientific Community all over the world working on different geoscientific aspects of fluid migration within the crust can submit their abstracts in the session SM6.1 : Advances in monitoring and studying the presence and migration of fluids within the crust using multi-disciplinary approaches organized by Grazia De Landro (Convener) and Tony Alfredo Stabile, Jean Vandemeulebrouck, Nicola D’Agostino, Michele Paternoster (Co-Conveners).
The session is strongly linked to the PRIN-FLUIDS project funded by the Italian Ministry for Research which aims to build up and test the next generation of crustal fluid monitoring systems aimed at their timely detection and space-time tracking. So the project covers a wide spectrum of competencies including Seismology, Geochemistry, and analysis/monitoring of ground deformation blend to achieve the scientific objectives.
According to the conveners,
This session focuses on main results obtained within the project FLUIDS funded by the Italian Ministry for Research, which was aimed at developing and applying an integrated multi-parametric and multi-disciplinary approach to image and track crustal fluids at selected test-sites in volcanic, tectonic and industrial exploitation environments. on latest research, field studies, modelling aspects, theoretical, experimental and observational advances on detection and tracking of fluid movements and/or pore fluid-pressure diffusion in different environments worldwide, and on the analysis of their correlation with the induced/triggered seismicity.We welcome contributions on advances in seismic, geochemical and deformation monitoring; multidisciplinary studies combining different data types and observations; characterization and space-time variations of electrical and seismic elastic/anelastic crustal properties, including stress and pressure changes; and physical and/or statistical analyses for the recognition of peculiar seismicity patterns. The session also encourages contributions from early career scientists.