It’s Thursday, and vEGU Week 2 is almost gone. But we are here, again, to make things easier for you!
So, suggestions for the day: let’s start at 11.45 CEST by knowing more about “Volcano-glacier interactions: Arctic, Antarctic, and globally”, session GMPV9.4 (does Eyjafjallajökull sound familiar?). Here, Lamb et al. will introduce us to icequakes on Chilean volcanoes with the vPICO “Discriminating glacial and volcanic seismicity at Llaima and Villarrica volcanoes, Chile” (EGU21-7940).
At 13.30 CEST, we will discover how to solve geoscience problems with the help of mineralogy in GMPV5.1. Here, the saline soda Lake Magadi (Kenya) mineral precipitation is investigated with a multi-technical approach by Getenet et al. (EGU21-4392).
Oh, by the way, do you know that we are looking for mineralogists to join the organization of our EGU ECS Campfires? If you want to be part of our team, have a look here!
If mineralogy is not your thing, at 13.30 CEST, the session SSP3.3 “Volcano-sedimentary processes in broader geological environments” will bring us to the archaeological sites of Pompeii and Stabiae and the stratigraphy of the AD 79 Vesuvius eruption. So, get ready to know more about the pyroclastic current deposits of one of the most famous eruption ever (EGU21-9665; EGU21-11035).
In the afternoon, at 15.30 CEST, have a look at the ores-forming system, in the “Mineral deposits: systems, settings and processes” GMPV5.2 session. Barrios et al. will show us how to trace back to the source of gold nuggets by combining their microchemical, inclusion analysis and morphology (EGU21—13358).
Chile, Kenya, Italy,… we cannot travel yet, but with these sessions, we can go around the world quite easily!
EGU has almost ended, and I’m sure we are all already looking ahead to next year…Maybe in person (hopefully, probably, who knows, …).
Meanwhile, join the Gathertown – Open Social at 12.00 and 20.00 CEST, to meet and have a chat with the EGU community!
Enjoy the rest of #vEGU21 #vEGU21_GMPV!