The Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology and Volcanology division’s early career scientists talks (EGU campfires) will return on Wednesday 17th of March at 11am CET!
The speakers of the 9th edition are:
- Tommaso Tacchetto (PhD Student @ Curtin University) – Disorientation control on trace element segregation in fluid-affected low-angle boundaries in olivine
- Kyra Cutler (PhD Student @ University of Oxford) – Downward-propagating eruption following edifice unloading implies no direct magmatic trigger for the 2018 lateral collapse of Anak Krakatau
- Göksu Uslular (PhD Student @ University of Geneva) – Morphological and depositional variations in maar volcanoes: A case study of Central Anatolian Volcanic Province (Turkey)
- Mallika Jonnalagadda (Assistant Professor @ Savitribai Phule Pune University) *postponed to a later session* – Geodynamic evolution of the mafic-ultramafic rocks of Spontang Ophiolite Complex, Ladakh NW Himalaya, India
Talk attendance is by registration only and you can register here:
Looking forward to seeing lots of you there!
We’re looking for new speakers! No matter what career stage you are at, we want to hear about your science. You can sign up to give a live GMPV ECS talk in one of our future events using the Google Form.
After the first Special Edition on ‘Volcanic Ash and Gas’, we want you to pick your favorites! We will then run the 5 most voted Special Editions in our future Campfires. You can select your Top 3 Special Editions here!
You can also give us FEEDBACK on any of our talks here.