The 3rd edition of the Geochemistry, Minerology, Petrology and Volcanology division’s early career scientists talks will be on Monday 21 September 4pm CEST.
Our speakers are (talk titles may be subject to changes):
- João Lages (University of Palermo) – “Constraints on mantle, slab and crustal contributions to majors volatiles and noble gases along subduction zones”
- Mara Murri (University of Milano-Bicocca) – “ Intracrystalline geothermometry as a tool to unravel the thermal history and emplacement mechanisms for Theo’s Flow”
- Sonia Torres Sanchez (Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi, Mexico) – “The NE Mexico basement evolution: from Rodinia to Pangea”
- Inês Pereira (Université Clermont Auvergne, Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans) – “New insights into tectonics and crustal processes using detrital rutile”
Talk attendance is by registration only and you can register here 👈
Looking forward to seeing lots of you there!
We’re looking for new speakers! No matter what career stage you are at, we want to hear about your science. You can sign up to give a live GMPV ECS talk in one of our future events using this google form