Geomorphology is the science of processes shaping the earth surface. Especially in high-mountain environments, where the relief is steep, these processes move a great amount of material. This 10 minute video features Geomorphologists from different parts of the world, explaining what happens when glaciers retreat and expose sediments to erosion and how it affects us humans.
Furthermore it attempts to communicate a discipline’s focus to the public.
The video was produced during a summer school in the Kaunertal Valley in 2015, organized by Jan Henrik Blöthe (University of Bonn), Sabine Kraushaar (University of Vienna), David Morche (University of Halle) & Ronald Pöppl (University of Vienna).
Featuring (in order of appearance):
- Prof. Lorenzo Borselli (Universidad Autonoma San Luís de Potosí, Mexico)
- Dr. Andreas Zischg (University of Bern, Switzerland)
- Prof. Ellen Wohl (Colorado State University, USA)
- Dr. Kristen Cook (German Research Centre for Geoscience in Potzdam, Germany)
- Dr. Joachim Götz (University of Salzburg, Austria)
- Prof. Michael Krautblatter (Technical University of Munich, Germany)
- Prof. Stuart Lane (University of Lausanne, Switzerland)
- Prof. Oliver Sass (University of Graz, Austria)
- Prof. Matthias Hinderer (Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany)
Great video!