We’re happy to announce the 10th international young geomorphologists’ workshop, organized by the “Junge Geomorphologen” from Germany.
The workshop will take place on 27.-29. May 2016 in Werbellinsee, near Berlin, Germany (see flyer).
The meeting will provide an ideal opportunity to present your current work, to discuss problems and receive constructive feedback! We want to highlight our interest in solving problems that occur during the empirical or writing period of your research.
Preliminary selection of events:
- Your BSc/MSc and PhD studies: oral or poster presentation and extensive discussions in a benevolent environment
- Keynote lecture on “The geophysics and geochemistry of geomorphology” (Prof. Niels Hovius, GFZ Potsdam)
- Field trip to geomorphological highlights of the surrounding area (Dr. Knut Kaiser, GFZ Potsdam)
Even though the program is quite dense, you’ll find time to get to know the other young researchers and share a beer with them! No worries!
Logistics: Workshop fee will be 35 € for full board!!!
Registration: Please visit our website and send the application form to jgtreffen@googlemail.com until Friday, 15th of April 2016.
Thus, save the date! And feel free to register with our mailing list to receive updates on the workshop and additional activities of the Young Geomorphologists! (Email to j.meister@fu-berlin.de)
The organization team
Jan Blöthe (Uni Bonn)
Andrea Junge (Uni Gießen)
Christoph Kappler (GFZ Potsdam)
Julia Meister (FU Berlin)
Karoline Meßenzehl (Uni Bonn)
Veit Nottebaum (RWTH Aachen)
Steffen Pötsch (Uni Greifswald)
Anna Schoch (Uni Bonn)
Philipp Schulte (RWTH Aachen)