“Sediment Dynamics in high-mountain Environments”
We’re happy to announce that our proposed Summer School on Geomorphology (SSOG) “Sediment dynamics in high-mountain environments” has been evaluated positively and will be funded by the Volkswagen Stiftung. The summer school will take place in the Kaunertal Valley, Austrian Alps, where we will combine a hands-on field learning approach with indoor data analysis workshops in order to:
- provide the participants with state of the art theory and concepts behind modern sediment dynamics research by internationally renowned experts
- introduce the participants to advanced methods at the interface between geosciences, hydrology, physics, and biology, such as geophysics, terrestrial laserscanning (TLS), unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), biogeomorphic field techniques, and hydrological discharge measurements
- enhance the participants’ capabilities to handle, statistically analyse, and interpret large sets of environmental data
- strengthen the participants’ holistic view on the analysis of complex geo-eco systems that are subject to change
- provide an interdisciplinary perspective for the participants necessary to approach scientific problems in the field.
The summer school is intended for international aspiring early career scientists (well-motivated advanced graduate students, PhDs, and post-docs) from the field of geosciences. Applicants are asked to send a short curriculum vitae together with a concise motivation letter (500 words max.), outlining their current scientific work and how they will benefit from visiting the SSOG. Please use this application form and send it to ssog@giub.uni-bonn.de no later than June 25, 2015. For the successful applicants, all accomodation, participation as well as travel costs are covered by the Volkswagen Stiftung.
Date and duration:
Monday, 31.08. to Sunday, 06.09.2015
Feichten im Kaunertal, Austrian Alps
Application deadline:
Send this application form to ssog@giub.uni-bonn.de no later than June 25, 2015.
Organized by:
Jan Blöthe (University Bonn), David Morche (University Halle)
Sabine Kraushaar and Ronald Pöppl (University Vienna)
Funded by:
Volkswagen Stiftung
For further details on the summer school, the application procedure and a preliminary program, please visit the webpage of the German Young Geomorphologists group: http://www.inst.uni-giessen.de/akgeom/?page_id=495
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