Shortly before leaving our offices for Christmas holidays, we’d like to whish you all a merry Christmas and a perfect start into the new year!
But before saying goodbye to you for 2014 we want to announce 3 important geomorphology events in 2015:
- EGU 2015 abtract submission on January 7th. In 2015 the EGU General Assembly will be from 12-17 April.
- The “2nd International Young Geomorphlogists Social Event” will take place during the EGU General Assembly on Wednesday, 15th April – 7:30 PM. Again, we booked a nice and authentic night restaurant in the centre of Vienna to bring together young geomorphologists from all over the world. And please note that everybody is welcome who consideres himself as young! Beer prices were negotiated!
- The 14th INQUA will take place from the 27th July until 2nd August, 2015, in Nagoya, Japan. Deadline for abstracts was postponed until the 8th January.
We hope that you’ll also be visiting the geomorphology blog in 2015, and again want to encourage all our readers to contribute to this blog!
Sabine, Lucy, and Jan