
early career scientists

Women in Geodesy: Sara Bruni

Women in Geodesy: Sara Bruni

Are you ready to hear from another woman in geodesy? We pass the mic to our Outstanding Early Career Scientist Awardee of 2018, someone who is currently carrying out her scientific works outside of academia. We are not going to take that much of your time and leave the stage to her. Would you like to share your thoughts about what being a woman in science means to you? I enjoy being a scientist be ...[Read More]

Women in Geodesy: Anna Kłos

Women in Geodesy: Anna Kłos

You guessed it right, it’s us again, the EGU Geodesy division ECS team! As you know, we have been working on a blog series called Women in Geodesy recently, and today we are turning our microphone to our current Science Officer and the Outstanding Early Career Scientist Awardee of 2021: Anna Kłos. We asked her a few questions and she was happy to answer them. Let’s leave the spot to Anna!   W ...[Read More]

Women in Geodesy: Rebekka Steffen

Women in Geodesy: Rebekka Steffen

As you might know, after our blog post on women in the history of Geodesy last month, we turned the spotlight to more recent influential women in geodesy, and this time we would like to give the spot to an early career scientist, more specifically to our co-ECS representative and the Outstanding Early Career Scientist Awardee of this year, Rebekka Steffen. Her answers were very inspirational to us ...[Read More]

What’s up for geodesy during the upcoming EGU23?

What’s up for geodesy during the upcoming EGU23?

It’s this time of the year again when we all try to meet up in Vienna and talk about our latest scientific results and more importantly network with old and new colleagues. The EGU General Assembly (GA) will be a hybrid meeting this year again: (v)EGU23. There will be scientific sessions with the usual oral and poster presentations as well as Pico sessions, networking opportunities and short cours ...[Read More]