
division team

Meet the new Geodesy Science Officer – Part 2

Meet the new Geodesy Science Officer – Part 2

In the past weeks you have met the president, deputy president and one science officer of the Geodesy division. Last but not least, we introduce you today to the second science officer: Xavier Collilieux. He also answered a few questions for us (including where his favourite place in Vienna is). Curious to find out? Then read below.   What is your position within the EGU and/or the Geodesy Di ...[Read More]

Meet the new Geodesy Science Officer – Part 1

Meet the new Geodesy Science Officer – Part 1

  We hope that you have enjoyed reading about the new division president and division deputy president. But there are even more people behind the scenes that contribute to the development of the Geodesy division. Today we are going to introduce you to one of the new science officers: Anna Kłos. We asked her also a few questions and despite of being on maternity leave she was able to answer th ...[Read More]