

Inside the World of ‘Skype a Scientist’

Inside the World of ‘Skype a Scientist’

Let’s move onto another amazing researcher and ECS, Öykü Koç, who is involved with ‘Skype a scientist’, an educational nonprofit with a focus on connecting people with science in fun and meaningful ways, making science education available and engaging for everyone. Öykü Koç (she/they) is a PhD candidate at Politecnico di Milano (Italy), with her research focusing on the time-variable gravity field ...[Read More]

Expanding the Picture: Simon Tong

A graphical illustration in watercolour optic with human silhouettes in different colours, and several smaller elements such as an ocean and a satellite.

Hi Simon, thank you for sharing your story with us and the geodesy community! First, can you give us your ‘classical work intro’ so that we get an idea of where you are working and what your field of interest is? I am currently working at Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)’s Earth Observation Centre (EOC) as a working student, while at the same time studying for a Master’s degree at T ...[Read More]

Expanding the picture: Being a female geodesist in Iran

A graphical illustration in watercolour optic with human silhouettes in different colours, and several smaller elements such as an ocean and a satellite.

Researchers working in STEM fields who also belong to a minority group face more challenges than their more privileged colleagues. Take Maryam Mirzakhani for instance; she was the first woman and the first Iranian to receive the Fields Medal. But along that path, she quietly overcame a lot of barriers on her journey- from being a child during the Iran-Iraq war to educational inequalities and the u ...[Read More]

Dual use of gravity data

Dual use of gravity data

Today, we are going to talk a little bit about dual-use, particularly in the context of geodesy. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, dual-use refers to the application of knowledge, information, data, products, or technology in ways that may deviate from their original scientific intent, often leading to ethical challenges. These challenges arise from the lack of control over who uses the da ...[Read More]