
We need a new early career scientist representative!

We need a new early career scientist representative!

The general assembly 2021 is approaching, Annette Eicker will take over as new division president, now we also need a new, fresh early career scientist (ECS) to take over the role of the ECS-representative. But what do you have to do as an ECS-representative? And where can you sign up?

Early career scientists represent a significant share of the EGU general assembly attendees. It is therefore desirable to involve this group not only as participants, but also on the division and EGU level. To enable this, every division has assigned an early career scientist representative (ECS-rep), who is in touch with the representatives from the other divisions. This allows to gather ideas, issues and thoughts relevant to the early career scientist group and communicate these at an EGU-wide level.

We’re looking for a new geodesy division representative!

Since April 2017, Mathis Bloßfeld and Katrin Bentel had been your ECS-representatives of the geodesy division. However, from the next GA on, we will hand over this task to a new, enthusiastic candidate for the next 2 years, who can bring her/his own ideas to the geodesy division. A prerequisite is that you fulfill the conditions of being an early career scientist, i.e. the date of obtaining your highest degree (BSc, MSc, or PhD) lies within the past 7 years.

If you want to become the new EGU ECS-rep for the G division, please send an application including a motivation letter and a CV to the EGU G division president Johannes Böhm and president-elect Annette Eicker (g@egu.eu) until November 30, 2020.

Please do not hesitate to ask if you have questions!

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Katrin is an assistant professor at the Institute of Geodesy, Graz University of Technology in Austria. Her research interests are the GRACE and GRACE Follow-On gravity field missions, satellite geodesy in general, as well as (climate) applications of gravity data. Previously, she worked at the Astronomical Institute at the University of Bern in Switzerland and at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California. She obtained her PhD in Geodesy from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences in Ås, Norway.

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