Climate: Past, Present & Future

Lena Thöle

My name is Lena Thöle and I am a research data consultant at the Utrecht University Library, advising researchers on FAIR data principles, best data management practices, coding and programming to advance data sharing and reuse. At the same time, I am a passionate paleoclimatologist and paleoceanographer, with a particular focus on the Southern Ocean and its pivotal role in modulating CO2 drawdown and outgassing. Currently, I am working on a proxy data compilation for the Southern Ocean to comprehensively analyze and unravel the intricate dynamics and interactions that have unfolded over the Last Glacial Cycle. LinkedIn:öle

Open climate science is brave climate science

Open climate science is brave climate science

Why are we climate scientists? For us, there is a number of reasons: we feel a strong bond to nature, we like to solve puzzles and we want to understand the mechanisms of what we see every day.  And – even if it only manifests at the end of a causal chain – we want to contribute to a just and livable world via working in climate science. Thus, due to distant and abstract state funding ...[Read More]