For our seasonal greetings this year, we would like to present the outreach team of the climate division. Our team has grown after the last EGU assembly, and this was highly visible in our increased number of blog postings throughout the year. We published 14 post in total! The team is responsible for writing and editing blog posts as well as finding motivated guest writers. We try to address all different topics of past, present and future climate to give readers a broad background in up-to-date research findings. We hope that you enjoy reading our blog and would like to give you some faces to the regular guest bloggers and the editorial board of the blog.
Carole Nehme
Carole Nehme is the Early-Career representative of the Climate (CL) division since 2017. She is a member of the outreach team for the CL division as well. As an Assistant Professor in geomorphology at the laboratory UMR IDEES 6266 CNRS, University of Rouen-Normandy, her research topics are focused on karst, landscape evolution and past climate reconstruction. Her current projects are: i) landscape evolution in Normandy (France) using chalk karst features and cave sediments, ii) paleoclimate reconstruction from speleothems in paleontological cave sites in southern Patagonia (Chile) and, iii) paleoclimate reconstruction from speleothems records in the Eastern Mediterranean region, specifically in Lebanon and Cyprus. She is an invited researcher in Analytical Environmental and Geo-Chemistry (AMGC) laboratory, Vrije Universiteit Brussels (VUB).
Gabriele Messori
I have been a member of the Climate Blog editorial team and co-representative for the Climate Division’s Early Career Scientists since 2018. I am currently Associate Professor of Meteorology at Uppsala University,in Sweden. My research focuses on climate extremes in the mid-latitudes, such as heatwaves, cold spells and windstorms. I enjoy writing popular science articles on present and future climate extremes, and am also active in outreach activities aimed at middle and high school students.
Janina (Bösken) Nett
Janina is the editor-in-chief of the blog since 2020 after working in the outreach team the previous year. She took over from our excellent previous editor Célia Sapart. Janina is a postdoc at the RWTH Aachen in Germany and focuses her research on past climatic changes and geochronological approaches on loess-paleosol sequences and other sediments. She works in the CRC806 “Our Way to Europe” Project that investigates the first migration of Homo sapiens into Europe and therewith deals with (geo)archeological topics as well. She is interested in all topics of climate change, academic work-life and enjoys outreach activities.
Ichiko Sugiyama
I am a Ph.D. candidate in the field of biogeochemistry at the Weizmann Institute of Science, and part of the editorial team for the EGU climate division blog. My research combines experiments and models to understand the ancient marine iron cycle. My hope is to apply my knowledge to help illuminate our understanding of biological productivity and evolution as well as better understand trace metal proxies that have been utilized to constrain Earth’s past environment.
Bramha Dutt Vishwakarma
Geodesist by training, working with Earth observation data to track water mass redistribution, and a curious researcher who is trying to understand the Earth system’s response to ongoing climate change. I am a Marie Curie Research fellow at the University of Bristol and my passion is to disseminate science in the simplest ways to the larger public. I have recently joined the editorial team of EGU climate division blog.
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2021!