Are you going to European Assoication of Geoscientists and Engineers 73rd Conference23-26th May 2011? If so please visit the EGU at Booth 2450 in Hall B, Reed Messe Wien and meet the executive secretary, Philippe Courtial.
If you didn't find what you was looking for try searching again.
Imaggeo on Mondays: Carboniferous arachnid
A 3D reconstruction of the 312 million year old arachnid Eophrynus prestvicii, from a CT scan of the fossil. Arachnids such as this – members of the Trigonotarbida – were amongst the first terrestrial predators. This image was one of the finalists in the EGU GA 2011 Photo Competition. To find out more about this image, see Friday’s post: 3D reconstructions of ancient arachnids. I ...[Read More]
3D reconstructions of ancient arachnids
One of the finalists in the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011 Photo Competition was an image from Russell Garwood. This image was not a traditional photograph but a 3D reconstruction of a 312 million year old arachnid Eophrynus prestvicii, from a CT scan of the fossil. The image itself will be the feature for the Imaggeo Mondays post on 16th May. However, due to the different nature ...[Read More]
Geocinema films available online (3/3)
This is the last in a series of posts (Part 1, Part 2) with descriptions and online locations of Geocinema films. A film’s inclusion in the Geocinema does not mean that EGU endorses any opinions expressed in the film. If you have a film you’d like to submit for the Geocinema at the EGU GA 2012 look out for the call. Inspection Exercise in Jordan, 6 mins [Online] This film discusses a simulat ...[Read More]
Job Vacancy at the EGU Office, Munich
The European Geosciences Union (EGU) is seeking to appoint a MEDIA AND COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER The EGU is Europe’s premier geosciences union, dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in the geosciences and the planetary and space sciences for the benefit of humanity, worldwide. The EGU has a General Assembly which attracts over 10,000 scientists each year, a diverse portfolio of 15 scientific journal ...[Read More]
Perspectives from the EGU GA 2011 (5)
This year on the EGU General Assembly blog there will be guest posts from participants about their research and their impressions of sessions. These are personal points of view not EGU corporate views. If you would like to contribute a research or session viewpoint, please email us. This perspective from the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011 is from Marianne Corvellec a PhD student ...[Read More]
Webstreams from the EGU GA 2011
All the webstreamed events at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly are available online still. Please share with those you think will find them useful. Webstreaming Page. The events from the EGU GA 2011 that are available are: US1 A Planet Under Pressure US2 The Future of Water Cycle Earth Observing Systems US3 How Science Can Aid Society in Tackling Emerging Risks US4 The 22 February 2 ...[Read More]
Winners of the EGU GA 2011 Photo Competition
The photo competition at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011 had 275 entries, with 9 finalists. Participants at the General Assembly voted 1418 times and the top three images are below. All the finalist and entry images are on Imaggeo,which is the online open access geosciences image repository of the European Geosciences Union. Every geoscientist who is an amateur photographer (b ...[Read More]
Thank you to all participants
The EGU General Assembly 2011 was again a great success with 4,333 oral and 8,439 poster presentations in 707 sessions. At the conference 10,725 scientists from 96 countries participated, of which 28% were students, 15,000 copies of EGU Today distributed, keen media presence and reporting, and thousands of visits to the webstreams as well as to the EGU 2011 blog. We thank all of you very much for ...[Read More]
Photo Competition Announcement 12:15 on Friday
The winner of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011 photo competition will be announced at 12:15 on Friday 8th April in the Crystal Lounge, on the 1st floor (Green Level). The deadline for voting is 16:00 on Thursday, 7 April.