EGU Blogs

Green Tea and Velociraptors

So you want to be a palaeontologist..?

Well, according to Sesame Street, all you need to do is sing the palaeontologist theme song!


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So forget studying, research, and years of training. Actually, it is pretty cool – it does show this; all you need to do to become a palaeontologist is have a fascination for the natural world, and get your hunting hat on!

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Plotting for the Earth. Sciences.

This was originally posted at:

So a cool paper came out a while back about using plots when attempting to construct stories as a mode of communicating in Earth Science. I cannot, as always, emphasise my frustration when someone writes an article that’s supposed to be broadly educational, and sticks it behind a paywall. In this case, it might have reached the target audience of practising institutionalised Earth scientists (hello), but not the many who aren’t fortunate to have a subscription.

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No Daily Mail, a 230 million year old amphibian is not a dinosaur..

The Daily Fail have struck again, this time the poor victim being the rather cool fossil, Metoposaurus diagnosticusMetoposaurus is an amphibious, er, amphibian from Germany, Italy, Poland and Portugal, and a member of a group called temnospondyls. However, three times in an article published yesterday, the innocent amphibian is labeled as a ‘dinosaur’ – what did it ever to to deserve such dishonour!

Screenshot from the article (source)

Screenshot from the article (source)

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