EGU Blogs

Air Pollution

Fire in Salford

My commute to work yesterday morning took an unexpected turn as my train pulled into my usual stop in Salford, Greater Manchester. To my right was a huge plume of smoke, which I would usually associate more with deforestation fires in Brazil! A plume of black smoke was rising up against the backdrop of beautifully clear skies, with the smoke gradually changing to a lighter shade of grey higher up. The photo below is from just after 8am on Monday morning.

Photo of the Salford fire taken at 8:15am on the 3rd March 2014. Source: Will Morgan

Photo of the Salford fire taken at 8:15am on the 3rd March 2014.
Source: Will Morgan

A quick internet search when I got to the office revealed that a paper recycling facility on Duncan Street had caught fire late Sunday night and had burnt through until morning. You can see lots of images of the fire on Twitter, plus this video shows some aerial footage of the fire.

As someone who studies air pollution from fires, I was obviously fascinated by its development and some key processes for more ‘normal’ fires are actually displayed by this fire.

Light my fire

Notice how the fire seems to hit an invisible force field and gradually lean over to one side; this occurs due to the fire hitting a layer of warmer air above the surface but in this instance, there is cooler air at the surface and the warmer surface above it. This is known as a temperature inversion and they often occur during cold winter nights. On my train journey, it was noticeable that there were layers of fog near the surface in the outer suburbs of Greater Manchester, which can also form as a consequence of such inversions.

Whiter shade of pale

Another feature of the smoke plume was that the initial column of rising smoke is much darker than the plume where it starts to curve. The dark grey/black smoke is likely due to a large number of dark soot particles in the fire. That warmer air I referred to earlier is probably moister than the air below, which means that there is more water vapour residing in that air. The fire itself also generates water vapour as a product of the combustion process.

Introducing a heavy dose of aerosol particles to the mix will typically lead to some of that water vapour condensing onto the tiny aerosol particles. This condensation makes the aerosol particles a little less tiny and more reflective; this makes the smoke lighter giving it the lighter grey colour. This is actually a really important process more generally for atmospheric aerosols, as this condensation of water vapour onto these tiny particles can strongly enhance their cooling effects on our climate.

Get off of my cloud

The third step relates to when the plume of smoke rises higher still and manages to break through what is known as the ‘planetary boundary layer’.  This layer is technically defined as the region of the atmosphere most directly influenced by its contact with the surface of the Earth. Of more importance for this stage in the fire’s evolution, it is also where most low clouds form! The photo below is from my office building and shows the plume against the backdrop of an almost entirely blue and cloud-free sky; there were no other low-level clouds in sight.

Photo of the Salford fire taken at 8:45am on the 3rd March 2014. Source: Will Morgan

Photo of the Salford fire taken at 8:45am on the 3rd March 2014.
Source: Will Morgan

The intensity of the fire means that the plume of smoke has sufficient energy to burst through the boundary layer. Once through, the aerosol particles and moisture generated by the fire produce a special type of cloud known as pyrocumulus. Without the fire, the cloud wouldn’t have formed and spoilt a rare sunny morning in Manchester!

We didn’t start the fire

The final stage in the smoke’s journey occurs as the night draws in and the atmosphere cools. This leads to the planetary boundary layer that I described earlier becoming ‘thinner’, which sees this lower part of the atmosphere ‘squished’. This causes the smoke plume to descend closer to the ground, which increases the risks associated with the fire, such as reducing visibility and potentially causing health difficulties for people exposed to the smoke.

Graph of aerosol mass concentration on the 3rd March 2014. Image from the Whitworth Observatory reproduced with permission from Michael Flynn, Centre for Atmospheric Science, University of Manchester.

The graph above shows data from the Whitworth Observatory, which is located on the roof of the George Kenyon Building at the University of Manchester. The graph shows how the amount of aerosol pollution measured at the observatory rapidly increased from around 6pm, peaking  at about 90 µg/m3, which is much greater than the previous measurements during the day. The wind direction and descent of the plume meant that the smoke plume and the observatory were lined up so the instruments were able to measure it.

Hopefully this post has provided a few scientific insights into how this fire and fires more generally tend to develop. With reports suggesting that the fire could burn for days, the fire is likely to cause disruption for a while yet. Hopefully the fire services will be able to make quick progress on extinguishing it.

Fires in South East Asia

Smoke from a number of agricultural fires is currently blanketing Thailand and Cambodia. This is shown below in the satellite image from the MODIS instrument on the TERRA satellite. The red dots are classed as ‘thermal anomalies’ by the satellite instrument and are usually indicative of fires burning in these locations.

The majority of the fires are occurring in grass and cropland areas, which are the bale brown portions of the land surface in the image. This is indicative of agricultural burning, where farmers clear land and use the fires to recycle nutrients ahead of the growing season. In South-East Asia, the fire season usually runs from January to April/May.

Image of fires in South East Asia and the associated smoke haze from 24th February 2014 from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instrument on the TERRA satellite. Image courtesy of the NASA Earth Observatory. Click on the image for a larger view.

While the burning is beneficial to farmers, it isn’t too good for air quality in the region. The smoke generated by the fires has built up over Cambodia and Thailand (contrast the clearness of the image in the top-left over Myanmar with the haze to the east). The MODIS instrument on the satellite can also measure the amount of pollution in the atmosphere. This is known as the aerosol optical depth, which is well above 0.5 across the region. For context, a fairly polluted day in North-Western Europe might seen an aerosol optical depth of around 0.2.

This build up of pollution is harmful to health and can also cool or warm the atmosphere depending on the properties of the smoke. The side affects of such changes are uncertain but they could for instance alter atmospheric circulation patterns and rainfall.

Fires are a frequent occurrence across the globe and their impact can have long lasting consequences on our health and climate.

AGU 2013 roundup

Now that the 2013 AGU Fall Meeting has ended, I thought I would roundup what I’ve been involved with over the week for both this blog and the Barometer Podcast, which I was recording each day with Sam Illingworth. Links to each piece are available below. Many thanks to all who have read and shared these over the past week.

Recording the podcast at conferences is becoming a trend as we’ve covered AGU now in 2012 and 2013 plus the EGU in 2013. Recording these is a lot of fun and particular thanks should go to Dave ToppingBethan Davies and Mark Brandon for giving up their time to chat to us this week. Lastly, many thanks to Sam for his infectious enthusiasm and for being the only person I’ve ever met with a louder laugh than me.

The conference itself was excellent throughout, even if the amount of science on offer was overwhelming at times. The sessions on science communication I attended were also fantastic, thought-provoking and often inspiring. I’m planning to write a separate post on this aspect over the coming days.

So long San Francisco! Image: Will Morgan

So long AGU 2013 and thanks for all the science! Image: Will Morgan

Blog posts


AGU 2013 Days 4 & 5: measurements & models

My fourth and fifth days at the AGU Fall Meeting involved dashing between multiple sessions to take in a number of talks on (surprise, surprise) aerosols! The main strand running through them from my point of view was how there are major efforts to construct large datasets of aerosol properties that can be used to test our understanding via numerical models.

Aerosols are complex and tend to stick around in the atmosphere for hours-to-weeks, rather than years-to-centuries. This means that they are spatially very diverse and also vary with time e.g. with the passage of seasons. This presents a challenge for our understanding but by constructing large datasets, it can also be used to constrain our numerical models.

For example, by looking at years of winter data for European pollution we might find that our models represent this quite well but it might be that there are significant errors when we look at the summer. This information is useful and might point us towards places to study further and improve our understanding. Just looking at a global annual average, this information is lost.

Image of the global aerosol distribution produced by NASA. The image was produced using high-resolution modelling by William Putman from NASA/Goddard. The colours show the swirls of aerosol particles formed from the numerous sources across the globe. The colours show aerosol particles as dust (gold/brown), sea-spray (blue), biomass burning/wildfires (green) and industrial/urban (white).

Image of the global aerosol distribution produced by NASA. The image was produced using high-resolution modelling by William Putman from NASA/Goddard. The colours show the swirls of aerosol particles formed from the numerous sources across the globe. The colours show aerosol particles as dust (gold/brown), sea-spray (blue), biomass burning/wildfires (green) and industrial/urban (white).

There were several talks detailing efforts to build satellite data sets of aerosol properties over long periods and use these to assess numerical models. Phillip Stier from the University of Oxford sounded a cautionary note by illustrating how different satellites can sometimes deliver different results for certain properties. He showed three different satellite images of cloud effective radius, which is a property of clouds that is important for how they interact with sunlight, and they were all very different. One of them agreed with his model but which set of measurements do you believe? He ended with a call to expand initiatives that seek to collate data from surface and aircraft measurements to test satellite measurements and models.

Dan Murphy from the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration paper presented some work on trends in aerosol over the past decade. He showed that while at a global level, the amount of aerosol in the atmosphere hasn’t really changed, it has changed significantly at the regional level. Aerosol concentrations have decreased in the USA and Western Europe, while they have increased in East Asia and in the Middle East. Aerosol has moved around a lot but there has not been a discernible change in their radiative effect at the global level. However, he said we couldn’t rule out that aerosols haven’t caused other adjustments such as circulation changes and clouds. You can access his Nature Geoscience paper on his work here. His work is consistent with several other papers that have shown negligible trends in global aerosol after the past decade.

These were highly interesting talks and should serve us well as we attempt to improve our understanding of aerosols, although there is much work still to do. No doubt we can anticipate much more work on this in the future – one of the talks did proclaim that:

Aerosol reanalysis is trendy.

No doubt we’ll be seeing the influence of this in the fashion houses of London, Paris and New York soon.