Geology for Global Development


Friday Photo (81): Wildlife in the Field – Glacial Tortoises

A pair of tortoises retreat into their shells in fear as a couple of geologists appear to study the diamictite they are walking over. Clasts visible in the rock below mark melting events at the end of the Gondwana glaciation, 300 million years ago. Deposits like these cover much of southern Gondwana, and can be found today in southern Africa, Antarctica, Australia, India and South America. This se ...[Read More]

Friday Photo (80): Wildlife in the Field – Lizard on Dolomite

A lizard basks on top of a very uncomfortable looking dolomitised grainstone. This dolomitised layer is part of a sequence of platform carbonates that formed 550 million years ago. Only some of the layers are dolomitised, and it is unclear whether the dolomite is primary, or formed secondarily, possibly as a result of Mg-rich fluids flowing along small faults. (c) Geology for Global Development 20 ...[Read More]