Geology for Global Development


Friday Photo (101): Image Competition – Highly Commended

  As part of our Blog Competition 2013 we asked you to submit your favourite photos of geoscience in action. Rick Wall, who has just completed a PhD in volcanology at UCL, entered this image from his field work in Alaska. The entry was highly commended by our judging panel. The photo shows the location of the 1912 Novarupta eruption in Katmai, Alaska. This eruption produced about ∼30 cubic ki ...[Read More]

Friday Photo (99) – Fitting Life Around Geology

Geology exerts a strong control on landscape, agriculture and infrastructure in Ladakh, India. Here the road (left hand side) is cut into softer glacial moraines, rather than the igneous and metamorphic bedrock. Agriculture is centered on alluvial material from a river predominantly fed by glacial meltwater. (c) Geology for Global Development 2013  

Friday Photo (98) – Hydroelectric Energy in Ladakh

  Hydroelectric power plants  are being developed across the Himalayas. Here, a small-scale system is used to store energy during times of peak supply from other sources, and deliver energy during times of peak demand. This system relies on the shuttling of river water (seen in the background) between different elevations. (c) Geology for Global Development 2013