Robin Wylie studied geophysics at the University of Edinburgh, and then spent some time working at a volcanic observatory in Hawaii before starting his Master’s in Earth and Atmospheric Physics at the University of Leeds. Robin is now doing a PhD at University College London, looking at magma chamber processes at Mt Etna, Sicily. This is Robin’s first article for the GfGD Blog, but you ...[Read More]
Thinking Development: An Academic Partnership Between London and Haiti.
The Sisters of St Joseph provided education for a large number of young girls in Haiti, but their school was destroyed in the 2010 earthquake. It is vital that it is rebuilt. The sisters have many years of teaching experience, but no experience in construction. At University College London (UCL) there is plenty of expertise in engineering, hazards and project management, but no source of funding. ...[Read More]
Guest Blog: Earthquake Risk Reduction in Bangladesh
Dr Susanne Sargeant works as a seismologist for the British Geological Survey. Susanne is undertaking work on the enhancement of knowledge exchange between earthquake scientists and NGOs for disaster risk reduction, preparedness and response. Her research is an excellent example of the integration of geoscience and development, and she is a member of GfGD’s Advisory Group. Here Susanne guest ...[Read More]
Friday Photo (61): Active Geology – River terraces in Kazakhstan
River terraces cutting into Cenozoic sediments in Kazakhstan. River terraces are flood plains that have moved away from the river, in this case because the land was vertically displaced during fault movement. Credit: Tim Middleton (c) Geology for Global Development